
The roadmap is subject to constant changes and depends largely on the funding situation of the project.

Ongoing Issues and Bugfixes

  • Add license information to resource types and provide respective field in upload UI
  • Implement PDF upload (resource type already exists in "webpage")
  • Add tag management UI

Want to help?

Check out the Contributors Guide!

If you're interested in a collaborative project or have a use case, in which your institution could support additional open source developments, please get in touch any time via

joscha.jaeger | at | filmicweb | dot | org

WP 1: Multiple Instances & Abstract API

Rewrite module management and all modules to support multiple instances.

Add an abstract API to control instances:
var myInstance1 = FrameTrail.init({});
/* empty dummy method until destroy methods have been defined for all modules */
Add Hypervideo Controller API to abstract API:;
myInstance1.currentTime = 12;
Expose selected events to the abstract API:
myInstance1.onReady // myInstance1.on(“ready”)
myInstance1.onTimelineEvent(eventObject) // any time-based event (annotation, etc.)
myInstance1.onUserAction(Action Object) // Actions defined in "User Traces"
Expose selected data to the abstract API (read-only):
Manage (active) instances:
FrameTrail.getActiveInstance() // reacts to keyboard controls / url hash changes

  • CodeSnippets -> Compiler Context


Allow multiple instances of FrameTrail to run in the same window and provide an abstract (simplified) API.

Potential Issues

  • All DOM IDs need to be replaced by class attributes. Selectors in certain modules might have to be more specific to avoid accidentally affecting other instances.

WP 2: Project Management

Remove Project Level entirely

  • Implement as "Site Preferences" (single project)
  • Remove project metadata in project.json and database module (name, description, ...)
  • Move required metadata (theme, ..) to config.json
  • Adjust directory structure:
        - hypervideos/
        - resources/
        - config.json
        - tagdefinitions.json
        - users.json
    (remove /projects/ directory level and _index.json)
  • Remove project level modules (/projectmanager/, database methods, etc.)
  • Remove project attribute from server interface and respective Ajax calls
  • Remove Masterpassword / Auth -> initial admin user at setup
  • Adjust user management and access levels to deal with Masterpassword removal
  • Adjust server (change auth process, remove masterpassword.php)


Simplify data structure and required files to avoid unnecessary load when using FrameTrail as a "single project installation" (as there is no database, multiple projects can still be run via copy&paste of the entire FrameTrail installation).

Potential Issues

  • How to deal with multiple admins?
  • Prevent removal of last remaining admin account or special role of initial admin user (check Wordpress concept / implementation)?

WP 3: Initialization Options & Custom DOM

Allow a custom DOM structure (based on a minimum DOM tree with container elements):
    <div id=”playerContainer1””></div> 
    <div id=”myCustomDiv”></div> 
Initialize FrameTrail by options object:
var myInstance1 = FrameTrail.init({
    target: “#playerContainer1”, // selector, element, jQuery object, etc..
    contentTargets = {
        /* SampleName defined in hypervideo.json > layoutArea (config in Layout Manager) */
        “#myCustomDiv”: “SampleName”
    contents: {
        hypervideo: “https://..../hypervideo.json”
        annotationsIndex: “https://../_index.json”,  // or null (optional)
        annotations: [ “https://../_123.json”, {} ],  // or null (optional)
        resources: [{
            label: "Choose Resources",
            data: {},
            type: "frametrail"
            label: "British Library",
            data: "https://..../lorem.json",
            type: "iiif"
        }],  // (optional?)
        users: “https://../users.json”  // (optional?)
Data endpoints should reference either

  • absolute URL to remote JSON file / service
  • relative URL to local JSON file
  • JSON Object

If the server parameter is set, the path to a data directory of an existing FrameTrail installation is used (can be relative / local), while single endpoints can still be overwritten by providing an additional endpoint (eg. annotations):
data: {
    server: “” // expects default directory structure
    annotations: [ “https://../_123.json” ]


Allow more dynamic player designs, arbitrary data sources and custom HTML structures (while maintaining editing features).

Potential Issues

  • How to deal with hypervideo.json referencing a resource ID (instead of the video source path)?

WP 4: Simple Build Process

Implement simple bash script which merges all CSS & JS files into single frametrail.css & frametrail.js files (this needs to include all libraries and possibly replace relative paths to the server directory and library references within PDFjs).

  • Merged files are for the moment placed in an additional /simpleplayer/ directory
  • In this directory, multiple sample players (using different layouts and init options) can be implemented and tested without affecting the main codebase
/simpleplayer/ directory structure (in preparation for Advanced Build Process):
    - frametrail.css
    - frametrail.js
    - player.html
    - resourcemanager.html


Prepare developments towards an advanced build process.

Potential Issues

  • Some libraries might require additional files in a fixed directory structure

WP 5: User Traces

Track certain events and user activity:

  • Save temporarily in browser localstorage to avoid privacy issues
  • Option to delete all saved traces
  • Option to actively share data (opt-in)
  • Option to export selected data to CSV / XLS file for evaluations in educational settings (eg. Learning Analytics)
  • Allow configuration and detection of sequential tasks (repeated jumping in the timeline, etc.) in "Export Settings" dialog
Captured events and interactions shall additionally be used in Collaborative Editing scenarios to synchronize UI states and playback between multiple FrameTrail installations and / or instances.


Capture sequential user activity in order to
  • resume playback (last active hypervideo at time x)
  • evaluate user activity in educational settings

Potential Issues

  • How to deal with localstorage size limitations?
  • How to map anonymous and signed-in users? Give browser unique client ID?
    (-> avoid for the moment by tracking only signed in actions)

WP 6: Code Snippet Repository

Maintain an accessible list of stand-alone JS, HTML and CSS components (a small animation, a complex effect, or even just a button), which can be re-used in other projects (detached from the actual contents).

The (centralized) repository will exist as a searchable website at and provide an open API to retrieve and contribute snippets. Through the same API, the code snippet repository will be integrated into FrameTrail, allowing users to simply drag and drop existing components into a video, as well as share their new creations with everyone else (and choose an open license in the process).

Future Work:

Decentralize the repository (every FrameTrail installation has it's own repository, contents are synced) and potentially implement a "GIT"-like approach for code block publication ( eg. self-hosted Gists or P2P storage via IPFS / Dat).
See also: Decentralized Data Storage.


Make the custom code components of a FrameTrail installation available in the form of re-usable and openly licensed snippets.

Potential Issues

  • How to deal with relative file / resource paths and other contents? Replace with dummy resources and text (optional)?

WP 7: Collaborative Editing

Integrate TogetherJS for browser-to-browser collaboration and synced playback.

Actions / Events to be synchronized (see TogetherJS Docs > "Configuring events"):
Future Work:

  • Replace TogetherJS with full P2P infrastructure (server-independent) via WebRTC data channels
  • Potentially use Timing Object for Multi-Device Playback and Synchronisation
    (including "Second Screen" / "Companion Screen" scenarios)
  • Potentially support collaboration involving localhost setups


Allow collaborative use, editing and communication across clients connected to the same FrameTrail installation and / or instance.

Potential Issues

  • How to deal with authorship of changes when events are bi-directionally synced?
  • How to trigger / avoid saving across clients?
  • How to manage buffering / playback issues?

WP 8: Advanced Build Process

Create new repository structure:
    - _server/
    - resourcemanager/
        - index.html
    - frametrail.css
    - frametrail.js
    - index.html
    - _lib/
    - _server/
    - _shared/
    - player/
    - resourcemanager/
    - index.html
    - index.html
    - example1.html
    - example2.html
    - example2Annotations.json
    - example2Hypervideo.json
  • Set up build process (Taskrunner, )
  • Change temporary simpleplayer/ build path (see Simple Build Process) to build/
  • Auto-generate docs
  • Potentially integrate update service / routine


Allow developers to contribute changes more easily, while simplifying the direct use of a readily-built version.

Potential Issues

  • How to maintain the existing setup process for non-developers (Download ZIP > Copy to server > Auto-Install)?

WP 9: User Interface Improvements



Potential Issues

WP 10: Additional Annotation Types



Potential Issues

WP 11: Quick Annotation Process



Potential Issues

WP 12: Setup Wizard



Potential Issues

WP 13: Additional Resource Types



Potential Issues

WP 14: Additional Overlay Types



Potential Issues

WP 15: Live-Search & Filtering



Potential Issues

WP 16: API Integrations



Potential Issues

WP 17: Import / Export



Potential Issues

WP 18: Save / Save As



Potential Issues

WP 19: Decentralized Authentication



Potential Issues

WP 20: Decentralized Data Storage



Potential Issues

WP 21: Desktop App Wrapper (Electron)



Potential Issues