 * @module Player

 * I am the type definition of a single Subtitle.
 * Subtitles display in a separate layer on top of the video.
 * Subtitles are managed by the {{#crossLink "SubtitlesController"}}SubtitlesController{{/crossLink}}.
 * @class Subtitle
 * @category TypeDefinition



    function(data){ = data;

        this.subtitleElement = $('<div class="subtitleElement"></div>');


         * I hold the data object of a single Subtitle, which is stored in the {{#crossLink "Database"}}Database{{/crossLink}}.
         * @attribute data
         * @type {}
        data:                   {},

         * I store my state, wether I am "active" (visible) or not active (invisible).
         * @attribute activeState
         * @type Boolean
        activeState:            false,

         * I hold the subtitleElement (a jquery-enabled HTMLElement), which indicates my start and end time.
         * @attribute subtitleElement
         * @type HTMLElement
        subtitleElement:        null,

         * I render my DOM elements ({{#crossLink "Overlay/timelineElement:attribute"}}Overlay/timelineElement{{/crossLink}}
         * and {{#crossLink "Overlay/overlayElement:attribute"}}Overlay/overlayElement{{/crossLink}}) into the DOM.
         * I am called, when the Overlay is initialized. My counterpart ist {{#crossLink "Overlay/removeFromDOM:method"}}Overlay/removeFromDOM{{/crossLink}}.
         * @method renderInDOM
        renderInDOM: function () {

            var ViewVideo = FrameTrail.module('ViewVideo');


            this.subtitleElement.empty().append( );


         * I remove my DOM element ({{#crossLink "Subtitle/subtitleElement:attribute"}}Subtitle/subtitleElement{{/crossLink}} from the DOM.
         * I am called when the single Subtitle is to be deleted.
         * @method removeFromDOM
        removeFromDOM: function () {



         * When I am scheduled to be displayed, this is the method to be called.
         * @method setActive
        setActive: function () {

            this.activeState = true;


         * When I am scheduled to disappear, this is the method to be called.
         * @method setInactive
        setInactive: function () {

            this.activeState = false;


